Patrick Kennelly’s feature film debut, EXCESS FLESH about an obsessive woman who imprisons her new roommate in their apartment in a sick attempt to bring them closer together, will have its U.S. theatrical release early next year via Acort International’s Midnight Releasing. The film premiered earlier this year at 2015 SXSW Film Festival and stars Bethany Orr and Mary Loveless.
In EXCESS FLESH, Jill is obsessed with her new roommate Jennifer, a promiscuous and sexy hotshot in the LA Fashion scene. New to the city and recently single, Jill is unable to keep up as she binges and purges to stay thin; eventually hating herself and everyone around her. Her jealousy and rage spiral out of control — Jennifer has everything, and Jill wants to be just like her. If Jill can’t BE Jennifer, she must destroy her.
“Excess Flesh is an original, next-level, powerhouse film that has proven itself with both mainstream and genre audiences in the festival circuit,” said Acort vice-president of acquisitions Chris Wilembrecht.