In a modern day tale of ‘Beauty and The Beast,’ Caroline Lindy’s feature film directorial debut ‘Your Monster’ tells a charming story of an actor who finds a connection with an unlikely monster who suddenly appears in her life after a break-up. The film stars Melissa Barreara and Tommy Dewey in its two leading role.
‘Your Monster’ had its world premiere at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival under the Midnight section. The film opened the 14th Lower East Side Film Festival where it also won the top prize of Best of Fest.
Also starring in the film are Edmund Donovan, Kayla Foster, Meghann Fahy, Brandon Victor Dixon, Ike Ufomadu, and Lana Young.
Release Date
Directed by Caroline Lindy, ‘Your Monster’ opens in US theaters on October 25, 2024.
Your Monster tells the story of the soft-spoken actor Laura Franco (Melissa Barrera), who is dumped by her longtime boyfriend (Edmund Donovan) while recovering from surgery and retreats to her childhood home to recover. With her future looking bleak, insult is added to injury when Laura discovers her ex is staging a musical that she helped him develop. But out of these gut-wrenching life changes emerges a monster (Tommy Dewey) with whom she finds a connection, encouraging Laura to follow her dreams, open her heart and fall in love with her inner rage.
“This film is an exercise in transforming pain and heartache into a fun, loving, joyful cinematic experience. Your Monster tells a story about a part of myself I was taught to lock away, my anger and inner rage,” said director Caroline Lindy on the film in an interview with Sundance. “Embrace your monster, harness your monster, fall in love with your monster.”
Andrew J. Salazar in a Discussing Film review gave the film a score of 4.5/5, writing, “Your Monster is unafraid to alienate viewers. The film is confident in its themes and ends on a note so high that makes you wish we would get more bizarre genre blends as brave as this.”
Chase Hutchinson in a TheWrap review praised Lindy’s direction for the film, writing, “Caroline Lindy proves to be a filmmaker with the skill to get into the guts of the genre itself, to tear free its bloody, still-beating heart.”
Official Trailer
Watch the official trailer for ‘Your Monster.’