SHUT UP AND PLAY THE HITS Doc to be Released for One-Night-Only this Summer

SHUT UP AND PLAY THE HITS, directed by Dylan Southern and Will Lovelace, which documents the final days of LCD SOUNDSYSTEM, will be released in special one-night-only engagements in theaters nationwide this summer. SHUT UP AND PLAY THE HITS had its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival and an encore presentation at last month’s SXSW Film and Music Festival.

Described in the press release with the line “If it’s a funeral… let’s have the best funeral ever.”

The film storyline follows, “One year ago today, LCD Soundsystem played its final show at Madison Square Garden. LCD frontman James Murphy had made the conscious decision to disband one of the most celebrated and influential bands of its generation at the peak of its popularity, ensuring that the band would go out on top with the biggest and most ambitious concert of its career. The instantly sold out, near four-hour extravaganza did just that, moving the thousands in attendance to tears of joy and grief, with New York Magazine calling the event “a marvel of pure craft” and TIME magazine lamenting “we may never dance again.” SHUT UP AND PLAY THE HITS is simultaneously a document of a once-in-a-lifetime performance and an intimate portrait of Murphy as he navigates both the personal and professional ramifications of his meteoric decision.”

Adam Yauch, Beastie Boy and Head of Oscilloscope Laboratories, the company distributing the film said, “Perhaps having grown up in a band for most of my life – a band that formed when I was 16 years old – and having released our first record when I was still in high school, this film addresses so many questions. For instance, it can be pretty clear when a band starts, but perhaps less so when it ends, or how it should end. In that sense, it’s brilliant of James to end it in such a definitive way.”


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