Edoardo Leo's OUT OF THE BLUE (Buongiorno papa

Edoardo Leo’s OUT OF THE BLUE (Buongiorno papa) received the NICE City of Florence Award at the 17th New Italian Cinema, presented by the San Francisco Film Society. The NICE City of Florence Award was decided by audience ballots from San Francisco screenings of films in competition.

Edoardo Leo's OUT OF THE BLUE (Buongiorno papa)

A slick ladies’ man learns new responsibilities in this warm crowd-pleaser from the director of 18 Years Later (NIC 2010). Andrea (Raoul Bova) is an ad executive whose best pal Paolo (cowriter/director Leo) is crashing on his couch. When Layla (Rosabell Laurenti Sellers from Balancing Act), a pull-no-punches teen, arrives with her sleepwalking grandfather Enzo and announces that she’s Andrea’s daughter, the unapologetic playboy is forced to determine whether he wants to give up his carefree life for the demands of fatherhood. Out of the Blue offers an expert cast of characters who impact one another in unexpected ways and a touching script that avoids easy sentimentality.

Written by Herbert Simone Paragnani, Massimiliano Bruno, Edoardo Leo. Cinematography by Arnaldo Catinari. With Raoul Bova, Marco Giallini, Edoardo Leo, Nicole Grimaudo, Rosabell Laurenti Sellers. 106 min. In Italian with subtitles. IntraMovies.

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