The Sarasota Film Festival announced its full line-up, including its Narrative Feature Competition, Independent Visions Competition, Documentary Feature Competition, its Sundance/Gate Foundation Shorts, its Centerpiece and Spotlight films, and its Best of the Web Program for the 2015 Festival taking place April 10th Through April 19th, 2015. Emmy Award and two-time Golden Globe Award-Winning British-American actress Jane Seymour (LIVE AND LET DIE, “Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman”) will be in attendance to showcase Evangelos Giovanis and […]
La Violencia: The Untold Story of Guatamela
La Violencia: The Untold Story of Guatamela
DIRECTOR(S): Til Frohlich, Pia Janning
STARRING: Aidan Gillen
GENRE: Documentary Film
SYNOPSIS: As told through the stories of activists and the Mayan women themselves LA VIOLENCIA documents the decimation of the Mayan population of Guatemala during its 36-year civil war. Over 200,000 people were murdered. Acts of torture and sexual violence were unmercifully implemented by the armed forces. Today, Guatemala remains one of the most dangerous countries for women in the world, with rape, domestic violence and femicide rife. LA VIOLENCIA takes us on an emotional journey to this visually beautiful yet tormented country, from its violent history to its current fragile state.