Jerzy Rose’s Some Girls Never Learn emerged the big winner of the 2011 Chicago Underground Film Festival picking up Audience Award in addition to the Made in Chicago Award. The film synopsis, ” A university has found the leg bone of Amelia Earhart. The diver responsible for the discovery is receiving mysterious messages from the famous dead pilot.  A high school science teacher travels to the underworld to bring back his girlfriend. Animals are arranging themselves into concentric circles and helium has escaped into the luminiferous aether.”

2011 Chicago Underground Film Festival Awards

Jury Awards:

Best Documentary (feature)
And Again – Adele Horne

Best Documentary (short)
History Minor – Ryan Garrett

Best Experimental:
Home Movie – John Price

Best Experimental:
Slow Action – Ben Rivers

Best Narrative (feature):
The Color Wheel – Alex Ross Perry

Best Narrative (feature):
Snow on tha Bluff – Damon Russell

Made in Chicago Award:
Some Girls Never Learn  – Jerzy Rose

Audience Award:
Some Girls Never Learn – Jerzy Rose

Honorable Mentions:
Young Bird Season – Nellie Kluz
Second Law: South Leh St. – Mike Gibisser
Chainsaw Found Jesus – Spencer Parsons
Devil’s Gate – Laura Kraning

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