DRAG KIDS directed by Megan Wennberg
DRAG KIDS directed by Megan Wennberg

Over $40,000 in prizes were given to the winners of the 2019 Inside Out LGBT Film Festival Toronto with top honors going to Garin Nugroho for MEMORIES OF MY BODY for Inside Out Special Award for Innovation, Xiang Zi for A DOG BARKING AT THE MOON for Best First Feature, and Megan Wennberg for DRAG KIDS for Best Canadian Feature.

The Audience Award winners included Samantha Lee’s BILLIE AND EMMA for Best Narrative Feature, Linda Goldstein Knowlton’s WE ARE THE RADICAL MONARCHS for Best Documentary Feature and Jamie Dispirito’s THRIVE for Best Short Film.

The festival, which launched the first ever annual LGBTQ Finance Forum, has become an international home and incubator for LGBT filmmakers, both emerging and established. The 2019 Inside Out LGBT Film Festival ran from May 23 to June 2 in Toronto at the TIFF Bell Lightbox and screened 153 films from 30 countries.

The festival also announced the winner of its annual “Pitch, Please” contest to director Rain Valdez for RE-LIVE: A TALE OF A 30-YEAR-OLD CHEERLEADER. The prize involves a cash production grant of $5,000 sponsored by Netflix, as well as a $10,000 in-kind package sponsored by Sim International, EP Canada, Bedtracks, Final Draft, Lewis Brinberg Hanet and Behind The Scenes Services.

Winners and Awards of 2019 Inside Out LGBT Film Festival Toronto


Best Canadian Feature
DRAG KIDS – Director, Megan Wennberg

Emerging Canadian Artist
SKIES ARE NOT JUST BLUE – Director, Lysandre Cosse-Tremblay

Best Canadian Short
SOFT SPOT – Director, Justine Stevens

Honorable Mention
TERMINALLY IN LOVE – Directors, Emily Jenkins and Justin Black


MEMORIES OF MY BODY directed by Garin Nugroho
MEMORIES OF MY BODY directed by Garin Nugroho

Inside Out Special Award for Innovation
MEMORIES OF MY BODY – Director Garin Nugroho

Best First Feature


BILLIE AND EMMA directed by Samantha Lee
BILLIE AND EMMA directed by Samantha Lee

Audience Award for Best Narrative Feature
BILLIE AND EMMA – Director, Samantha Lee

Audience Award for Best Documentary Feature
WE ARE THE RADICAL MONARCHS – Director, Linda Goldstein Knowlton

Audience Award for Best Short Film
THRIVE – Director, Jamie Dispirito

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